About Me

Hey thanks for checking out my blog, for those who are interested in who I am I just thought I’d share my personal weight loss journey and struggles. 
My name is Ally Walters and I'm 37 years old. I’ve struggled with my weight for my entire life. My weight loss journey has been difficult, uneasy and lonely. I still remember the first time I struggled to tie my shoe in elementary school and how all the kids laughed at me. I even remember the time when  only eaten one meal a day just so I could fit in to the only dress they had for larger girls. My past experiences have led me to more than 15 years of experimenting with many weight loss programs and diets. So when I say I've tried practically every diet, I really do me it.
So about a year ago I first learned about the hCG Diet. At the time I didn’t have a clue what hCG was. I was curious but skeptical. For all I new it was just another diet fad that would get rid of my weight, but bring it right back when after I  completed the program. The following week I had found myself lonely, depressed and eating a carton of ice cream. "WTF am I do, I don't want to feel like this anymore, after that thought." I got on the internet and began researching the hCG program. I knew I wanted to lose weight but it makes it hard to get excited about doing it again, another fad diet program. But as the scale is pushing 220 pounds, I knew that I had to get of my fat ass and try this out.
First I cleared my mind of all the past failed attempts at various diet programs, yes I knew dieting/weight loss wasn't going to be easy, but this was the spark of a 9 month long love affair which brings us to today. I’m not one to brag big numbers e.t.c. and I’m not claiming to be a size 2 but let’s just say I do feel a lot better and can shop at all the major stores. Well you know what? I'd like share my joy...I went from a size 16 to a 12 and dropped 57lbs and counting.That's pretty darn amazing! The most weight ever for me.
After 15 years of trying different diets I wanted to share my honest review on the hCG Diet. This program is life changing.
This is the first, honest and detailed unbiased review on the hCG Diet ever made.
Why? Partly to explore a different, but natural and effective way to lose stubborn weight. STOP Reading Now and Go Try HCG Kore Formula FREE, Click Here , Risk Free, you’ll thank me later. (Side note – If you ever need any extra help you can mail me at Ally @ hcgdietreviewed.org. I’ve always got time for anyone who is new to hCG Diet program
Kore hCG formula is a product I truly believe in.  If you look past the sales page, what you have here is a comprehensive formula that completely over-delivers, an almost sure way for any person seeking to lose weight naturally and effectively.  
Kore hCG Formula is the most powerful effective weight loss/diet I’ve ever come across.

Your New Body Awaits!

To your success,